The 2019 Walkley Grants for Freelance Journalism awarded a pool of $75,000 to fund 11 outstanding projects pitched by freelancers, supporting stories that serve the public interest, make an impact and would not otherwise be published.
The initial pool of $50,000 from the Walkley Public Fund for Journalism was boosted by an additional $25,000 contribution from the Judith Neilson Institute for Journalism and Ideas. Read the full announcement here.
2019’s grants supported vital reporting in Australia and the Pacific, including stories on Bougainville’s referendum for independence, climate change in Tasmania, #LetHerSpeak and the NDIS. Articles have been published by outlets including Guardian Australia, The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, Essential Kids, The Saturday Paper and Overland, with more to come.
Read a selection of projects funded by the 2019 grants below.
Photo: Warren Frey