


Pascall Prize for Arts Criticism

Mireille Juchau is a novelist, essayist and critic. Her third novel, The World Without Us, was published internationally and won the 2016 Victorian Premier’s Literary Award. Her essays are widely published, most recently in, LA Review of Books, LitHub, The Monthly, Tablet and Best Australian Essays. She has a PhD in literature and has taught at universities and in the community. In 2018 Mireille was writer in residence at the Charles Perkins Centre, University of Sydney, researching her next novel on epigenetics and historical memory.

Read an interview with Mireille.

Judges’ comments:

“In a strong and diverse field of entries, Juchau stood out for her insightful contextualisation of the work, elegant storytelling and depth of research. The Sydney-based novelist and critic’s standout review revisited a 1966 book about dreaming in Nazi Germany and considered the ways authoritarian regimes – past and present – can impact the collective unconscious.”

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