“The Perfect Virus: Two gene tweaks that turned COVID-19 into a killer”

Print/Text: Feature Writing Short

Liam Mannix

“The Persecution of Robert Muir”

Print/Text Feature Writing Long

Russell Jackson

'Dirty Dyson’: A Harasser on the High Court

Print/Text: News Report

Jacqueline Maley and Kate McClymont

“Counting down the days in God's waiting room””

Print/Text: Feature Writing Short

Mick Barnes

“A Nagging Doubt: The Retrial of David Eastman”

Print/Text Feature Writing Long

Sam Vincent

“Guthrie ordered to sack top ABC reporter”

Print/Text: News Report

Michael Koziol and Jennifer Duke

Don Burke Investigation

Print/Text: News Report

Kate McClymont, Lorna Knowles, Tracey Spicer and Alison Branley

“Angels or Arrogant Gods: Dutton, Immigration and the Triumph of Border Protection”

Print/Text Feature Writing Long

James Button

“Holly's Choice”

Print/Text: Feature Writing Short

Leisa Scott

“Surviving Isis: Stories of Mosul”

Feature Writing Short (Under 4000 words)

Michael Bachelard, Kate Geraghty and The Age Multimedia Team

“Why she broke: The woman, her children and the lake”

Feature Writing Long (Over 4000 words)

Helen Garner

“Steal as you earn: tax chief’s son accused of helping mastermind $100m tax fraud”

News Report Winner

Nick Hansen

“Bacchus Marsh Baby Deaths”

News Report

Grant McArthur

“Suffer the Children: Trouble in the Family Court”

Feature Writing Long

Jess Hill

“Crushed by the Unblinking Regime: The life and tragic death of Fazel Cegeni”

Feature Writing Short

Ben Doherty

“The Ghosts of Murray Street”

Feature Writing Short Walkley Winner

Trent Dalton

“Blood Year: Terror and the Islamic State”

Feature Writing Long (Over 4,000 words)

David Kilcullen

“The White Jihadist”

Print/Text News Report Walkley Winners

Michael Bachelard and Armando Cordoba

“The White Jihadist”

Print/Text: News Report

Michael Bachelard, Armando Cordoba

“That's my boy: kids witness war's horror”

Print/Text: News Report

Paul Maley and Greg Bearup